Highest Rated Python Training Course Online in India

This course is meant for both beginners and intermediates Acquire skills to apply for Python programming job Learn to be a better and confident programmer
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Unlock the power of programming with MCAL Global’s Python Training Course Online in India. Our comprehensive program is meticulously designed to equip learners with the fundamental skills and advanced techniques needed to excel in Python programming. Whether you’re a beginner eager to dive into the world of coding or an experienced developer aiming to enhance your expertise, our course provides a dynamic learning environment that fosters practical understanding and proficiency in Python. Led by industry experts, our training ensures hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge, preparing you for success in today’s competitive technological landscape. Join us and embark on a transformative journey toward mastering Python programming with MCAL Global.
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Course Highlight
- 40-45 hour of instructor led training, sessions on alternate days
- Detailed understanding of basic and advanced concepts of Python language
- Exercises throughout the course to enforce the learning
- Project on solving sudoku puzzle
- Understand the concept of requirement gathering and documentation
- Learn and implement the concepts clean coding
- Comments – do we need these?
- Doc Strings and Annotations
- Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) / Once and Only Once (OAOO)
- Keep it Simple (KIS)
- Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission (EAFP)
- Look Before You Leap (LBYL)
- SOLID Principles
- Learn the skill of debugging
- Learn the concepts of logging
- Implement exception handling techniques
- Learn to write good test cases, a prerequisite for todays agile environment
- Learn the concepts of GIT / GIT HUB
- Learn the concepts of OOP and its implementation in Python
- Learn the concepts of DBMS and RDBMS
Where it is used?
- Python is one of the fastest growing language in the world today (source GitHub)
- A mature language, been in existence for more than 20 years
- Open source / freely available
- Easy to learn
- Huge active community and documentation
- Cross platform
- Has 200K+ packages available
- And used for…
- Web Development
- Data Science and Data visualization
- DevOps / Automation scripts
- Educational research
- Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Prototyping
- Game development
- Web scraping
- Business applications
Training Outline
Week 1
- Overview of Python Language
- Installation and Env setup on Windows
- Install PyCharm
- Install Jupyter Notebook
- Getting Started
- Write first Python Program
- Datatypes and variables
- Numbers
- Numeric, Integer,
- Float, Complex
- Sequence
- Strings, Lists, Tuples
- Dictionary
- Set
- Boolean
- Variable definition
- Numbers
- Keywords and Operators
- Python Language keywords
- Operators
- Arithmetic, Comparison, Bitwise,
- Logical, Assignment,
- Identity, Membership
- Python Language keywords
Week 2
- Working with Datatypes
- Mutable vs Immutable
- Strings,
- Lists,
- Tuples,
- Dictionary
- Sets
- String formatting
- Python helpful functions
- Common functions and modules
- Dunder variable __name__
- Understanding the control flow
- Boolean and Comparison
- If – else – endif statements
- For loop
- While loops
Week 3
- Methods and Functions
- Functions Introduction
- Basics of functions
- Function arguments and parameters
- Function return values
- Unpacking of values
- Return vs yield
- Recursive functions
- Modules and Packages
- scope
- Namespace
- Types of namespace
- Modules and its operations
- Module import best practice
- Package and its operations
- Understanding __init__.py file
Week 4
- Object Oriented Programming in Python
- Understand OOP concepts
- Implement classes in Python
- Understand access specifier
- Static variables and methods
- Class variables and methods
- Abstract methods
- Implementing Inheritance
- Super()
- Polymorphism in Python
- Getter and Setter methods
- Iterators and generators
- Development Environment
- Create and manage virtual environments
- List comprehension
- List comprehension
- Supporting functions
Week 5
- Version Control System (VCS)
- Centralized version control system (CVCS)
- Distributed version control system (DVCS)
- Installing GIT
- – First time setup
- Three areas
- Important terms
- GIT Commands
- GIT Flow
- Local sync from repo
- – Local changes
- Sync back to repo
- GITHub Flow
- Common Issues with GIT
- We will discuss 8 such scenarios
- UNIT Testing
- Assert statement
- Module unittest
Week 6
- Important terms
- Test fixtures and suites
- Test driven development – concept
- Logging
- module logging
- Levels of logging
- Four modules of logging
- Understanding ROOT logger
- Logging hierarchy
- Logging configuration
- Exceptions
- What is error and exception
- What is “Error Condition”
- Exception handling
- Using try and except
- Using else and finally
- Throwing exception
- User defined exception
Week 7
- Input and Output
- Managing user input
- Folder Management
- File Operations
- – Open, read, write operation
- – Searching through file
- MySQL Installation
- mysql-connector-python installation
- DBMS / RDBMS introduction
- SQL Basics
- Constraints
- Data Integrity
- Normalization
- SQL Statements
- – Select statement
- Hands-On
Who can attend this course
- Has a zeal to learn new language & techniques
- Ready to make mistakes and learn from mistakes and still be ready to make more mistakes and learn again
- Is ready to explore new domains to work on
- Wants to be a better and a disciplined programmer
- Ready to put in good amount of effort in this course
Focus of this course
To develop you as a ready to deploy Python developer with focus on
- Python basic and advance features
- Concepts of OOPs & DBMS and its implementation in Python
Understand importance of clean code and..
- Write easily readable and understandable code
- Write and debug code easily
- Change a program with minimum effort and maximum accuracy
- Maintain the code properly understand the concept of refactoring
- Understand the concept of requirement gathering and its documentation
- Understand how logging works
- Learn the debugging skills
- Implement exception handling
- Learn and implement the SOLID Principle
- Understand the importance to writing test cases
- Discuss how language(s) help and what precautions we can take to avoid bugs
- A project to solve Sudoku puzzle